New Painting Challenge
Now the sun is creeping out and the gloom of winter is trailing off it's time to think about getting something undercoated and ready for a lick of paint. In the past I have painted all of the Warhammer Fantasy starter sets from 4th to 8th edition. I have also painted everything for the Runewars Miniature Game and the new version of Heroquest and the first couple of expansions.
This year I have set my sights on one of the greatest dungeon crawlers of all time, Descent 1st Edition. I'm going to start off with the characters and then move onto painting the monsters of the base game. Then it will be the Well of Darkness and Altar of Despair expansions and when that's done it'll be time to take stock and see how things are.
I've had this game for years and have always planned on painting it; and having had good results with Army Painter's speed paints in the past I will be using them here.
The rain has just come rolling back in ready for the bank holiday so I will be prepping up ready for my days off next week and the start of this year's project.
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