Adapted from Dragon 293 and Fields of Blood from Eden Studios
Random Event Phase
Winter Events Spring Events Summer Events Autumn Events % Roll
Ice Storm Seed Failure Drought Blight 01-02
Storage Failure Storage Failure Storage Failure Storage Failure 03-04
Dark Tidings Wood Rot Vein Tapped Early Snows 05
Passes Blocked Flash Floods Brush Fires Expensive Upkeep 06-10
Plague Avalanche City Burns Raiders 11
Asset Failure Asset Failure Asset Failure Asset Failure 12-13
Embezzlement Desertion Desertion Gloom 14-15
Nothing of Note Nothing of Note Nothing of Note Nothing of Note 16-84
Windfall Windfall Eager Recruits Mercenaries 85-86
Mercenaries Mercenaries Trade Surplus Strange Ally 87
Light Snows Immigrants Immigrants Immigrants 88-89
Rare Find Timber! Shallow Waters Unexpected Harvest 90-93
Local Hero Local Hero Clear Skies Rich Ore 94-99
Beneficial Signs Lush Soil Steady Rains Easy Harvest 00
Asset Failure - A random structure is destroyed
Avalanche - A base in a random mountain hex is destroyed
Beneficial Signs - Capture costs for provinces are -1
Blight - Check 1-3 (d8) for each plains and 1-2 (d8) hill hex for loss of resources
Brush Fires - Check 1-3 (d8) for each plains and forest hex for loss of resources
City Burns - A base in a random hex is destroyed
Clear Skies - Trade Routes earn 20% extra
Dark Tidings - Capture costs for enemy hexes are +2
Desertion - Military Strength -1
Drought - Check 1-4 (d8) for each plains hex not containing a river for loss of resources
Early Snows - Trade Routes earn 20% less
Eager Recruits - Recruit Troops costs 20% less
Easy Harvest - All Make War rolls are at +1 and Capture Costs for home Dominion hexes are +1
Embezzlement - Lose 1d4 x 5% Gp from Treasury
Expensive Upkeep - Pay 15,000 Gp per base to avoid loss of base
Flash Flood - Check 1-2 (d8) for each structure in river hex to be destroyed
Gloom - Capture costs for enemy hexes are +1
Ice Storm - Trade Routes earn 20% less
Immigrants - Add one base to a hex
Light Snows - All hexes produce 1 extra resource
Local Hero - +2 on the Discontent roll this season
Lush Soil - Check 1-2 (d8) for each plains hex to produce 1 extra resource
Mercenaries - Military Strength +1 for one year
Passes Blocked - Mountain hexes produce no resources
Plague - Check 1-4 (d8) for each hex without a temple for the loss of a base
Raiders - Check capture cost against random border hex for the loss of same
Rare Find - One random mountain hex produces 3 extra resources
Rich Ore - Check 1-3 (d8) for each mountain and hill hex to produce double resources
Seed Failure - Check 1-2 (d8) for each plains hex for loss of resources
Shallow Waters - For this season only, marshes produce 1 resource each
Steady Rains - Check 1-4 (d8) for each plains hex to produce double resources
Storage Failure - Lose any stored resources from one random Warehouse
Strange Ally - +2 on one roll for this season
Timber! - A random forest hex produces 2 extra resources
Trade Surplus - Each coastal hex produces 50% extra resources
Unexpected Harvest - Hex of choice produces 5 resources
Vein Tapped - Check 1-2 (d8) for each mountain hex for loss of resources
Windfall - Tax income is raised by 1d4 x 5%
Wood Rot - Check 1-2 (d8) for each forest hex for loss of resources
Initiative Phase
Check d20 + Wisdom modifier
Realm Turns Phase:-
Hardship begins at 8. Make a d20 roll against Hardship with each 35,000 Gp spent giving a +1 to the roll. If it succeeds and Hardship is greater than 13 then it is reduced by 1. If the roll fails Discontent is increased by +3 for this season and the ruler may not Recruit Troops.
Tax Rate - Population x following :- Low x 400 Gp, Medium x 1,000 Gp, High x 2,000 Gp
Trade - Subtract Diplomacy rating from 22. If positive multiply the result by 3,000 Gp. If a road connects the capitols of both Dominions then the yield is doubled.
Pay Maintenance - Military Strength x 25,000 Gp
Population Modifier <=25 No Modifier Tax Rate Modifier
26-50 -1 Low +2
51-100 -2 Medium 0
101-200 -3 High -5
201-500 -4
501+ -5
Discontent begins at 8. Make a d20 roll against Discontent with a -2 or +2 if a boon or penalty was received in the Random Events and a +1 for each unit of Military Strength assigned to quell any unrest. If the roll succeeds and Discontent is greater than 13 then it is reduced by 1. If the roll fails Discontent is increased by 2. If the roll fails three times in a row then the Dominion descends into anarchy
Action (2 Per Turn)
Open Trade Route
Pay 50,000 Gp and make a Diplomacy check. If the roll succeeds a Trade Route has been opened.
Build Roads
Pay 20,000 Gp per Hex. 3 Hexes may be built per action
Build Structure
City Structures
Palace 200,000 Gp + 10 Resources - Taxes earn 10% more Gp
Library 220,000 Gp + 14 Resources - Bases and Structures cost 10% less
Temple 100,000 Gp + 10 Resources - +3 All Discontent rolls
Foodstores 60,000 Gp + 8 Resources - +3 All Hardship rolls
Marketplace 60,000 Gp + 8 Resources - Trade produces 10% more Gp
Warehouse 40,000 Gp + 6 Resources - Resource Limit is increased by 5
Barracks 50,000 Gp + 8 Resources - Recruit Troops costs 10% less
Shipyard 180,000 Gp + 14 Resources - Can build, attack and trade overseas within 12 Hexes
Monument 100,000 Gp + 10 Resources - +3 All Diplomacy rolls
Thieve's Guild 100,000 Gp + 10 Resources - +4 Initiative
If a Dominion wishes to have more than one of a type of City Structure to increase it's bonus it must have a Resource Limit of (number of structures x Resource payment). Eg 2 Marketplaces = a Resource Limit of 16
Hex Structures
Irrigation 80,000 Gp + 4 Resources - Plains Hex produces 2 Resources
Lumber Camp 240,000 Gp + 12 Resources - Forest Hex produces 8 Resources
Mine 160,000 Gp + 8 Resources - Hill Hex produces 5 Resources
Quarry 80,000 Gp + 4 Resources - Mountain Hex produces 3 Resources
Camp 80,000 Gp + 4 Resources - Jungle Hex produces 3 Resources
Recruit Troops
Pay 10,000 Gp x current Military Strength plus 10 resources to add 1 to Military Strength. Military Strength may not be greater than Population divided by 10 (round fractions up). States begin with Population divided by 20 (rounded up).
Make War
Pay 20,000 Gp x Military Strength plus Military Strength x Resources. Roll d20 + Military Strength for the amount of Capture Points which may be used to buy neighbouring hexes
Build Guarding Army
Pay 100,000 Gp and 10 Resources and lower Military Strength by 1 to place Guarding Army in Hex
Conduct Diplomacy
Pay 50,000 Gp and make d20 Diplomacy check with another Dominion, if it succeeds then reduce Diplomacy figure by 2 for that Dominion
Hold Games or Festivals
Simple - Pay 500 Gp x Population for +1 on next season's Discontent roll
Impressive - Pay 1500 Gp x Population for +2
Elaborate - Pay 3500 Gp x Population for +5
Buy / Sell Resources
Buy for 10,000 Gp each, Sell at 5,000 Gp each
Build Base
Buy Base for 20 Resources and 300,000 Gp. Up to 10 Bases may be built per Hex
Move Capitol
Pay 200,000 Gp and 20 Resources to move Capitol to another Base.
Resource Limit
A Dominion may not build more than it's total resources plus any bonus from Warehouses per turn.
Making War
Terrain Capture Cost
Plains/Desert 5
Forest/Jungle 7
Hill/Swamp 9
Mountain 12
Contains River +2
Contains Base +2
Contains Guarding Army +7
Belongs to Neighbour +5
Population and Resources
Terrain Population Resources Large Town = 1 Base
Plain 12 1 Small City = 3 Bases
Forest 7 5 Large City = 6 Bases
Hill 6 3 Metropolis = 10 Bases
Mountain 3 2
Swamp 1 0
Jungle 3 2
Desert 1 0
Bases 4
2nd Realm
CE 22 23 25 22 21 22 21 20 21
LE 23 20 21 20 19 20 20 19 20
NE 25 21 23 22 21 22 21 20 21
CN 22 20 22 15 14 15 14 13 14
LN 21 19 21 14 13 14 13 12 13
N 22 20 22 15 14 15 14 13 14
CG 21 20 21 14 13 14 12 11 12
LG 20 19 20 13 12 13 11 10 11
NG 21 20 21 14 13 14 12 11 12
Random Event Phase
Winter Events Spring Events Summer Events Autumn Events % Roll
Ice Storm Seed Failure Drought Blight 01-02
Storage Failure Storage Failure Storage Failure Storage Failure 03-04
Dark Tidings Wood Rot Vein Tapped Early Snows 05
Passes Blocked Flash Floods Brush Fires Expensive Upkeep 06-10
Plague Avalanche City Burns Raiders 11
Asset Failure Asset Failure Asset Failure Asset Failure 12-13
Embezzlement Desertion Desertion Gloom 14-15
Nothing of Note Nothing of Note Nothing of Note Nothing of Note 16-84
Windfall Windfall Eager Recruits Mercenaries 85-86
Mercenaries Mercenaries Trade Surplus Strange Ally 87
Light Snows Immigrants Immigrants Immigrants 88-89
Rare Find Timber! Shallow Waters Unexpected Harvest 90-93
Local Hero Local Hero Clear Skies Rich Ore 94-99
Beneficial Signs Lush Soil Steady Rains Easy Harvest 00
Asset Failure - A random structure is destroyed
Avalanche - A base in a random mountain hex is destroyed
Beneficial Signs - Capture costs for provinces are -1
Blight - Check 1-3 (d8) for each plains and 1-2 (d8) hill hex for loss of resources
Brush Fires - Check 1-3 (d8) for each plains and forest hex for loss of resources
City Burns - A base in a random hex is destroyed
Clear Skies - Trade Routes earn 20% extra
Dark Tidings - Capture costs for enemy hexes are +2
Desertion - Military Strength -1
Drought - Check 1-4 (d8) for each plains hex not containing a river for loss of resources
Early Snows - Trade Routes earn 20% less
Eager Recruits - Recruit Troops costs 20% less
Easy Harvest - All Make War rolls are at +1 and Capture Costs for home Dominion hexes are +1
Embezzlement - Lose 1d4 x 5% Gp from Treasury
Expensive Upkeep - Pay 15,000 Gp per base to avoid loss of base
Flash Flood - Check 1-2 (d8) for each structure in river hex to be destroyed
Gloom - Capture costs for enemy hexes are +1
Ice Storm - Trade Routes earn 20% less
Immigrants - Add one base to a hex
Light Snows - All hexes produce 1 extra resource
Local Hero - +2 on the Discontent roll this season
Lush Soil - Check 1-2 (d8) for each plains hex to produce 1 extra resource
Mercenaries - Military Strength +1 for one year
Passes Blocked - Mountain hexes produce no resources
Plague - Check 1-4 (d8) for each hex without a temple for the loss of a base
Raiders - Check capture cost against random border hex for the loss of same
Rare Find - One random mountain hex produces 3 extra resources
Rich Ore - Check 1-3 (d8) for each mountain and hill hex to produce double resources
Seed Failure - Check 1-2 (d8) for each plains hex for loss of resources
Shallow Waters - For this season only, marshes produce 1 resource each
Steady Rains - Check 1-4 (d8) for each plains hex to produce double resources
Storage Failure - Lose any stored resources from one random Warehouse
Strange Ally - +2 on one roll for this season
Timber! - A random forest hex produces 2 extra resources
Trade Surplus - Each coastal hex produces 50% extra resources
Unexpected Harvest - Hex of choice produces 5 resources
Vein Tapped - Check 1-2 (d8) for each mountain hex for loss of resources
Windfall - Tax income is raised by 1d4 x 5%
Wood Rot - Check 1-2 (d8) for each forest hex for loss of resources
Initiative Phase
Check d20 + Wisdom modifier
Realm Turns Phase:-
Hardship begins at 8. Make a d20 roll against Hardship with each 35,000 Gp spent giving a +1 to the roll. If it succeeds and Hardship is greater than 13 then it is reduced by 1. If the roll fails Discontent is increased by +3 for this season and the ruler may not Recruit Troops.
Tax Rate - Population x following :- Low x 400 Gp, Medium x 1,000 Gp, High x 2,000 Gp
Trade - Subtract Diplomacy rating from 22. If positive multiply the result by 3,000 Gp. If a road connects the capitols of both Dominions then the yield is doubled.
Pay Maintenance - Military Strength x 25,000 Gp
Population Modifier <=25 No Modifier Tax Rate Modifier
26-50 -1 Low +2
51-100 -2 Medium 0
101-200 -3 High -5
201-500 -4
501+ -5
Discontent begins at 8. Make a d20 roll against Discontent with a -2 or +2 if a boon or penalty was received in the Random Events and a +1 for each unit of Military Strength assigned to quell any unrest. If the roll succeeds and Discontent is greater than 13 then it is reduced by 1. If the roll fails Discontent is increased by 2. If the roll fails three times in a row then the Dominion descends into anarchy
Action (2 Per Turn)
Open Trade Route
Pay 50,000 Gp and make a Diplomacy check. If the roll succeeds a Trade Route has been opened.
Build Roads
Pay 20,000 Gp per Hex. 3 Hexes may be built per action
Build Structure
City Structures
Palace 200,000 Gp + 10 Resources - Taxes earn 10% more Gp
Library 220,000 Gp + 14 Resources - Bases and Structures cost 10% less
Temple 100,000 Gp + 10 Resources - +3 All Discontent rolls
Foodstores 60,000 Gp + 8 Resources - +3 All Hardship rolls
Marketplace 60,000 Gp + 8 Resources - Trade produces 10% more Gp
Warehouse 40,000 Gp + 6 Resources - Resource Limit is increased by 5
Barracks 50,000 Gp + 8 Resources - Recruit Troops costs 10% less
Shipyard 180,000 Gp + 14 Resources - Can build, attack and trade overseas within 12 Hexes
Monument 100,000 Gp + 10 Resources - +3 All Diplomacy rolls
Thieve's Guild 100,000 Gp + 10 Resources - +4 Initiative
If a Dominion wishes to have more than one of a type of City Structure to increase it's bonus it must have a Resource Limit of (number of structures x Resource payment). Eg 2 Marketplaces = a Resource Limit of 16
Hex Structures
Irrigation 80,000 Gp + 4 Resources - Plains Hex produces 2 Resources
Lumber Camp 240,000 Gp + 12 Resources - Forest Hex produces 8 Resources
Mine 160,000 Gp + 8 Resources - Hill Hex produces 5 Resources
Quarry 80,000 Gp + 4 Resources - Mountain Hex produces 3 Resources
Camp 80,000 Gp + 4 Resources - Jungle Hex produces 3 Resources
Recruit Troops
Pay 10,000 Gp x current Military Strength plus 10 resources to add 1 to Military Strength. Military Strength may not be greater than Population divided by 10 (round fractions up). States begin with Population divided by 20 (rounded up).
Make War
Pay 20,000 Gp x Military Strength plus Military Strength x Resources. Roll d20 + Military Strength for the amount of Capture Points which may be used to buy neighbouring hexes
Build Guarding Army
Pay 100,000 Gp and 10 Resources and lower Military Strength by 1 to place Guarding Army in Hex
Conduct Diplomacy
Pay 50,000 Gp and make d20 Diplomacy check with another Dominion, if it succeeds then reduce Diplomacy figure by 2 for that Dominion
Hold Games or Festivals
Simple - Pay 500 Gp x Population for +1 on next season's Discontent roll
Impressive - Pay 1500 Gp x Population for +2
Elaborate - Pay 3500 Gp x Population for +5
Buy / Sell Resources
Buy for 10,000 Gp each, Sell at 5,000 Gp each
Build Base
Buy Base for 20 Resources and 300,000 Gp. Up to 10 Bases may be built per Hex
Move Capitol
Pay 200,000 Gp and 20 Resources to move Capitol to another Base.
Resource Limit
A Dominion may not build more than it's total resources plus any bonus from Warehouses per turn.
Making War
Terrain Capture Cost
Plains/Desert 5
Forest/Jungle 7
Hill/Swamp 9
Mountain 12
Contains River +2
Contains Base +2
Contains Guarding Army +7
Belongs to Neighbour +5
Population and Resources
Terrain Population Resources Large Town = 1 Base
Plain 12 1 Small City = 3 Bases
Forest 7 5 Large City = 6 Bases
Hill 6 3 Metropolis = 10 Bases
Mountain 3 2
Swamp 1 0
Jungle 3 2
Desert 1 0
Bases 4
2nd Realm
CE 22 23 25 22 21 22 21 20 21
LE 23 20 21 20 19 20 20 19 20
NE 25 21 23 22 21 22 21 20 21
CN 22 20 22 15 14 15 14 13 14
LN 21 19 21 14 13 14 13 12 13
N 22 20 22 15 14 15 14 13 14
CG 21 20 21 14 13 14 12 11 12
LG 20 19 20 13 12 13 11 10 11
NG 21 20 21 14 13 14 12 11 12
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