Happy Birthday Dungeons & Dragons!

   The greatest game of all time is 50 years old this year! I started playing when I joined high school and I was put into a class with an American boy. After a quick Traveller scenario me and my friends rolled up our first Dungeons and Dragons characters and I've been hooked ever since.

   42 years later I still create for my home-brew world and have run campaigns in 1st, 3rd, Pathfinder Basic and 5th editions. I love this game for opening up my mind to so much from Alan Garner, Michael Moorcook, Jack Vance and other Appendix N authors to fantastic films, music and art. Elfquest, Savage Sword of Conan, Cerebus, 2000ad compilations and many well thumbed books of myth and legends rest on my shelves ready to inspire me once again. I can't see myself ever not being involved in this game in whatever form it takes and know there are many out there that are exactly the same.

  Thank you to Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, Eric Holmes and all of the many creators who have made this game what it is for the last half century. Now roll for initiative!


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